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How To Pick A Great Company Name

The name of your company- your brand- is arguably your organization's greatest asset. Your brand will be the foundation on which all elements your company’s identity are built. Later spin-offs and sub brands will follow a common core philosophy. Your brand and brand-Identity will set the tone for all products your company brings to market. This is why it is super important to pick the right name for your company. One that directly conveys your brand message.

Features of a Great Company Name

Certain features or characteristics should be considered when selecting a great name for your company:

Easy for people to Say

This is very Important. Pick a name that consists of three or less syllables. Test the ease of pronunciation by showing the name to a friend to pronounce and see if they are able to pronounce the name without help.

Should Convey Your Message

Although this is not a hard rule, it is best if your company’s name says what you do or at least what it relates to your company’s overall purpose. An example of a brand name that partially conveys a mission is “LinkedIn”. The name does not say “connects business people” but it does communicate the company’s overall mission to connect people.

Politically Correct

Your brand name should be able to cross cultural borders and lines without offending any group of people. An example of an offensive brand name and would be “the Redskins” which has been offensive to Native Americans because it stereotypes the group and contributes to misunderstanding and prejudice towards Native Americans.

Passes the Google Test

Perform a quick search on Google to see if any similar products or companies have a similar name or variation of it.

Name Is Available to Purchase as a

You can log on to to perform a quick search to ensure that your desired company or product name is available as a Having your brand as a domain will greatly help when potential customers or partners try to find information about your company online.


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