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Rethink Impact’s $250 Million Fund Is Fueling the Growth of Women-Led Unicorns

How a Venture Firm Is Reshaping the Future of Female Entrepreneurship

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Jenny Abramson and Heidi Patel launched Rethink Impact in 2016 to invest in female entrepreneurs tackling tough problems.

The venture capital world has historically favored male-led startups, but recent years have seen a shift towards closing this gap. Leading this transformation is Rethink Impact, a women-led venture capital firm that has just announced a new $250 million fund dedicated to supporting female entrepreneurs.

The firm has already backed over 30 unicorn startups, proving that investing in women-led businesses is not only about equity—it’s a smart financial strategy.

Female founders have long faced significant hurdles in securing venture capital, despite their increasing presence in the entrepreneurial space. In 2023, women-led startups received only 2% of total venture capital, a troubling disparity.

The $250 million fund from Rethink Impact aims to address this by providing women-founded companies with the resources needed to scale and succeed.


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A Track Record of Success

Rethink Impact has proven its ability to identify and support high-potential female founders. With more than 30 unicorns like Culina Health already in its portfolio, the firm has established itself as a key player in fostering women-led businesses.

Unicorn startups—valued at over $1 billion—are the ultimate benchmark of entrepreneurial success, and Rethink Impact has consistently demonstrated its knack for backing winners.

Research from Boston Consulting Group shows that women-founded startups generate more than twice the revenue per dollar invested compared to those led by men. This aligns with Rethink Impact’s track record of delivering impressive returns on investment, further validating the firm’s focus on supporting women entrepreneurs.

Expanding Opportunities for Women

The new $250 million fund isn’t just about producing the next unicorn. It’s about creating a more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem. Rethink Impact is committed to funding businesses in underrepresented sectors, regions, and communities that are often overlooked by traditional venture capitalists.

This focus is particularly important for women of color, who receive even less venture funding than their white counterparts. Data from the Kauffman Foundation indicates that less than 1% of venture capital goes to women of color . Rethink Impact’s mission includes addressing these disparities, ensuring that talented women from all backgrounds have a fair shot at success.

Timing the Market

This fund comes at a critical juncture. As global economic uncertainty grows and venture capital becomes harder to secure, women entrepreneurs face even greater challenges.

According to PitchBook data, venture capital funding dropped by 30% in the first half of 2024 , making dedicated funds like Rethink Impact’s all the more essential.

By supporting female founders, Rethink Impact is not only creating opportunities for individual entrepreneurs but also reshaping the broader venture capital market.

As more firms recognize the potential of women-led businesses, the venture capital industry will continue to evolve toward greater diversity and inclusion.



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