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Why CTV Ads Engage but Don't Always Sell

How Interactive CTV Ads Captivate Audiences but Miss the Mark on Immediate Conversions

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In the dim glow of a living room, the soft hum of a streaming device fills the air. A family gathers around their TV, remote in hand, ready to unwind. The show they choose isn’t the only thing capturing their attention tonight. Between episodes, an interactive ad pops up, enticing them to explore more about a new product.

The ad is engaging, pulling them into an experience that feels more like a game than a traditional commercial. Yet, as the credits roll and the show continues, the product, once so vividly displayed, fades into the background of their minds. They’re left with a strong memory of the brand, but the urge to purchase? That moment has passed.


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Interactive Connected TV (CTV) ads have become a fascinating development in digital marketing. These ads promise to do more than just sell—they aim to engage.

The ads create an immersive experience that goes beyond passive viewing, transforming audiences into active participants. But here lies the paradox: while these ads excel at boosting brand recall and engagement, they often fall short in driving immediate purchases.


The Power of Engagement

Interactive CTV ads are designed to capture attention in a way that traditional ads simply cannot. By inviting viewers to participate—whether by clicking, exploring, or making choices within the ad—these commercials create a connection that’s far more personal and memorable.

According to a study by Innovid, interactive CTV ads can increase brand recall by up to 82% compared to non-interactive ads.

This heightened level of engagement is not just a theoretical advantage. Data shows that users who engage with interactive CTV ads are significantly more likely to remember the brand later on, even after they’ve switched off the TV.

The tactile nature of these ads taps into the human desire for control and interaction, making them a powerful tool for brand-building in an increasingly digital world.

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The Struggle with Immediate Conversions

However, as engaging as these ads are, they often struggle to close the deal. The problem lies in the very nature of CTV as a medium. Unlike mobile or desktop ads, where a click can instantly lead to a purchase, the TV screen is more isolated.

Viewers may find it inconvenient to pause their viewing experience to pull out their phone or laptop and make a purchase. This disconnect between engagement and conversion is a significant challenge for marketers.

A report by eMarketer highlighted this gap, revealing that while interactive CTV ads can drive a 45% increase in site visits, the conversion rate remains comparatively low at 3.2%.

The compelling nature of these ads makes viewers more aware of the brand, but the immediate path to purchase is often interrupted by the reality of multi-screen behavior and the lack of a direct purchase funnel on the TV itself.

The Promise and the Limitation

The future of CTV ads is both promising and complex. As technology evolves, we may see new innovations that bridge the gap between engagement and conversion.

Shoppable TV, voice-activated purchasing, and synchronized mobile experiences are just a few of the possibilities on the horizon. But for now, the primary value of interactive CTV ads lies in brand-building rather than direct sales.

In a world where attention is currency, CTV ads offer a unique way to capture it. But as with any currency, its value depends on how it's spent. Brands need to recognize the limitations of this medium and integrate it into a broader, multi-channel strategy that can pick up where the CTV experience leaves off.



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